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Root Copying files to uSD with CM7 running on uSD


Android Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2010
Howdy gang-

I figured out something today I thought I would share. I am running CM7 off the SD card, and one of mu frustrations has been that I cannot copy anything onto the SD from my PC via the USB cable. Today I figured it out.

Go to Settings->Apps-> development and uncheck "USB Debugging" and "USB debugging notification" exit to home, then connect the USB cable. Nook should go to the USB connect screen, select the connect button and you should see @ new drives on your PC. One is for the B&N nook partition, and one is the CM7 partition. :)

This may be old news to some here, but I have been trying to figure this out for the last 6 months. :eek: :rolleyes:
Yes, that is old news, but when someone has problems, the regulars often forget the obvious.

The notification isn't required to get this to work, but I like to disable it.

Did you type this wrong? It should be this:

(check) USB Debugging
(uncheck) USB Debugging Notify

Debugging must also be on for ADB commands to work.
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no, I tryed that. Didn't work. That was the setting that a bunch of folks said I needed to have to get it to work, but it never did. The only partition I see with that setting is a 150mb boot partition.

With both UNchecked, I see two partitions, the stock Nook partition, and the CM7 partition.

Note: I am running CM7 off the uSD card, not from internal memory. I had aked how to do this in the past, and was told "you can't when running CM7 from the uSD"

Anyway, if it old news feel free to delete the topic...
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