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Could this mean the end of a relationship?

So, I have this question. My girlfriend wants to put her sim card in my phone. Is she going to be able to see all my existing whatsapp contacts, and if so, should I let her use my phone?
Even if you didn't let her put her sim in your phone and you let her use the phone, she'd be able to see your contacts.

If she needs to use your phone as hers for some reason, then I'd backup the phone, copy everything offline and then reset the phone so she can use it as if it were new.

If she just needs to make a few phone calls, then let her use it and ask her not to snoop.

You infer that the Whatsapp contacts will be a problem. I would venture a guess that if you refused it would also be a problem. If you want to keep the girlfriend then choose the option that's most likely to achieve that goal. Or, if not, choose the other one. ;)
Why would it be a problem for your girlfriend to see contacts on your phone? Are there other women in the contacts list that you see on the side. If so is she okay with you doing that?
If you are worried about your girlfriend seeing your contacts, you get much bigger problems........
I'll never understand posts like these.
My wife has complete access to my phone and did when we were dating.
You should have nothing to he from someone you love or are trying to work toward a long term relationship or more.
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