If you use Craigslist this is a must have app. It is free and simple to use. You can setup a search with a keyword and choose a frequnecy at which you would like to check Craigslist. You can choose how you would like to be notified. You can see the pics from listing and email the person directly from your phone by hitting the icon. Really neat app.
I know that the author of this app is also on this board. So, many thanks to you Rafael.
If you use Craigslist this is a must have app. It is free and simple to use. You can setup a search with a keyword and choose a frequnecy at which you would like to check Craigslist. You can choose how you would like to be notified. You can see the pics from listing and email the person directly from your phone by hitting the icon. Really neat app.
I know that the author of this app is also on this board. So, many thanks to you Rafael.