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Crazy Cell Towers & 6 hour Battery life ?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2009
Got a really strange problem. I am in Vietnam using MobiFone service. About 3 months ago something changed overnight and my battery went from 20 hours to just a 6 hour battey life. After a week I did a factory reset but the same. Took it to HTC in Saigon to be tested but they said no problem YET when I was there battery lasted longer. The problem was in only in Can Tho where I live UP to this month when the problem is now in Long Xuyen. I travel, to Cambodia a lot and usally when I leave Can Tho Battery life is better. I am now in Cambodia and battery life is 40 hours on a CamShin SIM. For a test in Can Tho I went to a phone shop and used a Vinaphone SIM for an hour and got a 40 hour life. This is a joke! Is there any application that can control the Radio or at least tell me what's going on? I tried a few but they do not say anything different between Vietnam or Cambodia. MobiFone did something but refuse to tell me anything. Back of my G1 with 1.6 is cool now but in Vietnam back of phone is very warm. Tried to reflash the Radio but phone will not let me. I rooted but still it will not let me. think I must load a new recovery program. Any suggestions???
keep a watch on your battery stats, see whats changing. spare parts is your friend here. also it may be worth considering upgrading to a more recent build.

lower signal will mean less battery, but maybe not to that extent. perhaps something changed infrastructure wise?

how exactly do you know you get 40hour life if you only used the sim for 1 hour?
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