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Crazy good battery after Marshmallow


Android Enthusiast
I got the OTA a few days ago and did a factory reset. I let it restore, and was less than impressed with the battery the first couple of days. I know it takes a bit for the battery to calibrate, but holy heck the last couple of days have so much better than I've ever had before.

Now, there has been pretty light use, so this is definitely not a lot of screen-on time. I've been busy in the yard, and have just been checking email and sending a few texts. But I took it off the charger yesterday afternoon. 24 hours later and I'm at 82%. It's estimating 5 days left right now. Since I'm a light user, this is a big improvement for me. I was tweaking around with settings and tried to limit background syncs. I have Lotus Notes email for work, and that was initially set to push...that was sucking battery pretty bad. I put it to every 2 hours since that's good enough for what I need it for.

I will qualify it with this, however: screen-on time definitely seems to have gone down. When I actively use the phone, it seems like it dies faster than I ever remember it dying. That is definitely a bit of a bummer.

That should be pretty consistent with most users. You're seeing the Doze feature at work. Unfortunately it doesn't do anything for screen-on time, which seems to just plain suck on the Nexus 5, especially after Lollipop happened.
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