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Root DamianGTO Ginger kernel Beta 3 Version 2.2 Gingerbread 2.3.4

Well here is the Beta 3.
Its made for 2.3.4 Gingerbread.

It does support these OC frequency.

You can now put one of these settings in cfo.conf.
Dont use any other settings in this file.

I have cleaned up ther kernel code and remove things thats not used.
This make the kernel smaller and a bit faster.
So it should boot faster :)

I also made so all steeping is always around 150MHz. That should make the GUI smoother.
Like it was before it did change depending on what frequency you did use.
So all frequencey has its own steeping settings.
But it only works if you use cfo.conf.

The screen frequency is using 62hz instead for the default setting on 60hz.
It works little better with the higher OC frequency.

I made all mount to noatime. Should be better.
Changed the cache on all mounts. they now use different values depending on what they is used on. That should be better then the old settings.

I also use JVQ drivers from the JVQ firmware/kernel.
It should work on all gingerbread firmware.

**** NEWS ****
In beta 2 i did remove 1500MHz overclock and use 1440MHz as max overclock frequency.
This is due the fact it did not work as planed.
I also made some I/O tweak so it use less overhead when using files.

I also made a new cleanup system so it will remove all bad script.
Before it was easy to bypass the script if you did know what to do.
Now you cant and that give the security back to the kernel.

I will also in the future add more options to tweak with script/app.
If you miss some option write it in the tread and and explain why you need it for.
If there is a very good reason for them I will add it.

**** NEWS Beta 3 ****
Due some unexpected bug in beta 2 i need to make a new beta.
The bug was a mount that dont like the small busybox that is in CWM(recovery).
It did work with the full version of busybox.
Also it did not show up all the time.
So i change the way the mount is done and now it works like it should.
I have tried it many times now and it works all the time.

**** Known BUGS ****
Dont use custom bootanimation on 2.3.4.
I can comfirm that it seems that you get a bootloop on 2.3.4
It show the bootanimation, but it never unload it.
It does start up the phone, but its hard to do anything when you only see the bootanimation.
Look into my other tread for useful scripts to solve this issues.

If you OC then tell me whats work for you.
I might need to change the volt on the different frequency.
Those I use is what working for me.

You can download the kernel here: DamianGTO Ginger beta 3


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