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Data trafic per app tracking...


I was quite surprised this morning when I received a sms notification from my service provider telling me that I had used up my network quota for this month. That's only nine days into the current month. Quite worrying! I haven't had any problems with data usage being that high since I got my Android phone this April.
After talking to my service provider it was clear that there were two days that had a quite high data usage, the first peek was over 600MB and the second peek, yesterday, used over 200MB.
Well, I went on the market and downloaded a few data traffic monitor apps. In a couple of minutes one of the apps, 3G Watchdog, showed me a quite high network traffic and in an hour the phone had used almost 50MB sending data!!! Well that is really worrying!
So, now I'm in desperate need of an app that can narrow down the network usage per app. I have browsed the net for any info regarding an app providing this feature without any luck. Does anyone here know of an app like that? I NEED to get to the bottom with this usage problem a.s.a.p. Any ideas will be appreciated.

Thanks Szadzik for that suggestion. That app seems to be a great little system monitor though it doesn't seem to full fill my wish to see net usage stats per app though... :-(

There must be an app out there providing this feature as I sorely cant be the only one require this feature...?
Mr2web -
I'd love to have this feature in an app too....I've searched and searched but found nothing that fits the bill. NetCounter is great, but doesn't give you the per app breakout of data.
If anyone finds an app that can do this, please post.

In the absence of that, my recommendation to the OP would be to back up all of the installed apps, and then uninstall all but the basic required apps. Then watch the usage. Over time you can slowly reinstall apps one at a time and see when your usage starts to spike again.

Is it possible you have some spyware or malware on your phone sending out your personal data somewhere?
Well if you have a look in android parameters then "About phone", then "Battery use" (sounds strange I know!), then select any application in the list and you can see how much data sent and received.
The only issue is that when you plug your phone and battery is charging counters goes back to zero.

To check what is accessing the net I use "Os Monitor" and I can see active connections ;-)
TevocRoux - Thanks for yr reply. I have found 3G Watchdog to be quite useful.

amlothi - thanks for yr reply. I think it is strange that no such app has been developed for android prior to version 2.2. I have monitored the data traffic over the day and more than 200MB has been uploaded from my phone(!) and only 9MB downloaded to my phone, witch i find very odd. I suspect as well that there is malware on my device as well but witch process shall I remove, that is the question... But what info can be 200MB that the potential malware is uploading? very odd indeed.

loick - Thanks for yr reply. I had a look at the "About phone", then "Battery use" but no such info regarding data transfer was found when opening the details for each app. Only CPU time was show and for some apps setting info. I use an SE X10i with the latest OPSYS (1.6, R2BA026) from SE on it.
If it's an app that is running while the phone is off as well, you might be able to track it down using Spare Parts. Not sure though.
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