I can. Lots of drug sales. Acid, coke, meth, magic mushrooms and the like. Lots of precursor chemicals and cocaine. All paid for with BitCoin. People advertising funded PayPal accounts, ads for hired killers (grain of salt time) hacking stuff, truly horrific porn (I will not begin to describe it, use your imagination) Serious hackers that apparently will go after you if you become a bother. Plenty of movies before they are released.
Lots of stuff.
TOR manages to hide your identity and when you incorporate payment by BitCoin, people become bolder in their dealings. Found a site the other day operated by someone who custom steals products from retail stores. About all he has for sale is a few used items and some crap nobody likely wants. Perhaps a scam, but one would think he would offer iPads and the like.
I would post screen shots, but I might be taken to task by a mod. Lets just say, lots of ways to get into trouble, so I advise look bot no see. You never know which three letter government agency is behind the bad stuff.
On the good side, lots of complex data and things to look at if you want to look for it.