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Help Default photo text attachment size?


Feb 11, 2010
Sorry for what is probably a dumb question, but I can't seem to find an option when attaching a photo to a text message to resize it, nor can I seem to find on google searches what the default size is that the system or individual text apps reduce a photo resolution to. I just bought the Pixel 2, coming from iOS for a long time, so decent learning curve going on here. In iOS, when attaching, it always prompted me for S/M/L attachment size choice. I went to a concert last night and took some great photos, but my camera was set at the highest resolution, so 5 photos are around 124 MB in size when I text them. Yes, I can email them or share them via google drive or photos I suppose. Was just curious if there's a way to automatically reduce them to a selected resolution or ??? I'm sure I'm just missing something simple. I would prefer not to use a 3rd party app to create a lower resolution photo in another photo. Thanks for any insight.
I don't use Google's Messages app, so don't know what it does, but the norm with Android is that the app's settings include a maximum size for MMS and the message app will resize before sending if you exceed that. Look in the message app's settings. If you can't see it and it doesn't just work then there are plenty of other message apps, and no reason to just use what the manufacturer provides.

Sharing via Photos will definitely give them a higher quality image than MMS though.

That said, 5 photos equals 124MB - are you sure that's not a typo? That's the size of RAW files, not jpegs (at the highest resolution my Pixel 2 produces jpegs in the range 3-5MB. It's only if i use a different camera app that lets me save raw files that I get 24MB per image).
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When you were using iMessage, it's a closed environment with everything going through Apple servers (emphasis on 'everything'). With MMS and different cellular services, file size for attachments is much more limited as texting is much more ephemeral. There are no texting storage servers, the different cell servers are merely passing texting messages along with the different carriers applying their own, varied, arbitrarily set file size limits. Unless you know your own carrier's specific file size limitations and the carrier of your recipients (as some carriers allow higher file size limits when both parties are using the same service, the problem being most of us do not know which carrier all our acquaintances are using), the safest option is to scale down your shared photos 1MB. Or as you already referred to, just leave your photos as is and pass along the shareable link that most online storage services allow.
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Thank you all for the input.

**Hadron - you are correct, looks like each photo size is around 4mb. Not sure why I got a prompt about 124mb. Maybe I selected more than I thought.

I tried out Textra and liked it, but installed Mood and like that even more. I can't seem to find in either app where it tells you the max size it scales images down to, but no biggie. I know the biggest frustrations for me on Android are simply getting used to doing things a different way, finding where things are located in settings, and getting used to having to turn of so many dang notifications that appear at the top of the screen all the time! :) Cheers!
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