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Help Deleted events keep coming back!


Jul 19, 2010
I have Outlook sync with my Google calendar which syncs with my phone. I have a lot of recurring events that I will delete certain instances of or change them. These deleted events are gone in Outlook and Google but reappear on my phone after syncing! I will delete them on the phone but they come back every time I sync! I don't understand this since they don't exist in Outlook or Google Calendar. I have cleared the data under Calendar Storage numerous times and this works until I sync again. Any ideas?
My guess is that the problem lies between Outlook Sync <-> Google Calendar.

Are you using "Google Calendar Sync" software? Your sync options are set for 2-way right? I use to use Google Calendar Sync, and it was pretty good in keeping my Outlook calendar and Google Calendar synced together. If those 2 are working together correctly, your phone's calendar should just fall into place since it has good integration with Google Calendars.
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Yes, I'm using Google Calendar sync set to 2-way. That's why I don't understand how the events are not in Outlook or Google Calendar but still on my phone. I've tried wiping my entire Google calendar along with clearing everything on Calendar Storage on my phone so it starts fresh yet the problem remains. It only happens with recurring events.
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