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Dell Streak does not support Bluetooth file transfer services

I think this is only for certain devices. Maybe compatibility or version? I was able to send file from Samsung to Streak but I can't send from Streak to Samsung. Is there a limitation to file size or file type? I'm trying to send an APK.

Ah, yes, that might be the case. Ive tried , sendind an apk from one stresk to another and a message appears stating file type cant be sent. I am sure theres a way.

How large was the file you successfully sent from the Samsung to the Streak?
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It's just 1 mb. Even smaller like 300 kb can't be sent. This is pretty annoying. I had to plug both to Android to exchange files. If I have internet, I just upload to Dropbox. But again, this is just cumbersome. :(

Wow, I will ha e to test my size limit. Ive been able to transfer video, large mp3 files etc, just not apk files... Let me give it another test....
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