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Desire HD or HD2?

i think the real question you want to be asking yourself is, do you want to use Android, Windows 7 or windows 6.5? lol personally dont bother with windows 6.5 since its pretty much defunt now, so the real Q...Android or Windows 7, once you decide that should answer your question for you.
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Yes. I have to agree with voodoochild. the question is gonna be Windows or android. If you would ask me I would say go with android. The android market is way way better than the windows counterpart. Also android is Google :D and you cannot go wrong with them, can you. Another advantage, Android is regularly updated ;)
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good choice,
I would also advice on keep the background sync off, I get 24 hours ++ with my battery, I am a low-med user
I text around 3-4 hours a day, play a bit of holdem online (10-20 mins), 20 min browsing, and some times 1 hour streaming videos from online i.e simpsons on line, oh and view my e-mail

Hey, thanks for the advice, what does background sync do btw? and hows the phone isit laggy?
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