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Desktop Visualizer not in Market?


I'm having trouble downloading Desktop Visualizer on my Samsung Captivate running 2.1.

I've got a market fix installed, tried using Market Access, but still no luck. Is anyone else having this issue?

The only post I've found regarding this is here:
Desktop Visualizer - Android Forums

Any help would be appreciated,
Thanks for the quick reply Szadzik!

Am I correct in assuming that I won't be able to get app updates for this in the market?
Sorry to bump an old semi-solved thread, but I found the configuration change needed to fix this issue for copy-protected apps. Note this is for the captivate, but you should be able to dig around and find the related information needed for your phones.

Confirmed on my Samsung Captivate. I performed this text edit, then rebooted. Afterwards, I uninstalled and then reinstalled yelp and Audio Manager Widget, then searched and found Desktop Visualizer!

Source: [Solved] The Market issues on JH2 - Page 4 - xda-developers

rajendra82 on XDA said:
After installing JH7, I found out there is a much easier way to fix this. All you need to do after installing any new leaked firmware is to open the build.prop file using a text editor. If you have root explorer, holding on the file name will bring up that option. Once open, scroll down to this section:

# Do not try to parse ro.build.description or .fingerprint
ro.build.description=SGH-I897-user 2.1-update1 ECLAIR UCJH7 release-keys
Then replace the last three characters in the firmware version (i.e. JH7 in this example), with JF6 on both lines. Save the file and reboot. Once you install a couple of apps, all the missing apps reappear.

If you did only the one click root that is in the sticky, you must also install buysbox again before attempting this. Otherwise the changes made in the root explorer text editor won't stick.
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