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Detect Dock Mode?


Android Enthusiast
Jul 25, 2010
Issaquah, WA
I don't know if this is possible, but I thought I would ask.

I have a Moto Droid RAZR Maxx, and since the Jelly Bean update, ending a call goes into the call log. It's very irritating, and I've created a profile to go to the home screen when the phone goes idle. However, if I'm in the home dock or car dock, it goes to the home screen and the dock app does not start.

I'd like to detect if I'm in a dock, go to the home screen (so that when I remove the phone from the dock I don't see the call log) and then launch the dock app for the car or home dock. Is this possible? Can someone help me by suggesting the actions I need to do? Any help would be much appreciated!


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