Hi! I want to use device manager features, but I'm not so sure how to use them. For example, I wanna use this setUninstallBlocked function but I don't know how to configure and add them. I really need help with that..
Reference 1: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager
Here is another example, https://www.magicedtech.com/blog/building-apps-with-device-administration-api-devs-guide/
I tried expiring the password but I couldn't Is there any article or sample about these features?
Reference 1: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager
Here is another example, https://www.magicedtech.com/blog/building-apps-with-device-administration-api-devs-guide/
I tried expiring the password but I couldn't Is there any article or sample about these features?