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Did you upgrade from a Samsung Galaxy s5? Your thoughts?


Android Enthusiast
Jul 25, 2010
Issaquah, WA
I currently have the Samsung Galaxy s5 on Verizon, but I'm considering jumping to T-Mobile and taking up the HTC One (M8). If you changed phones, I'm looking for your input on why you did it and what your experience has been like. I know that both phones have their positive and negative aspects, and I do like the s5, but I'm also the kind of person that likes to try new things and expand my horizons, so I think it would fun and interesting to try the HTC. Even if I don't jump to T-Mo, I'm still contemplating changing phones. Thanks for your feedback!
Thanks Kolio! Very good read. Lots of things to consider if I make the switch. I'm not real thrilled with the feedback on the camera, but the rest of the phone sounds amazing...

Decisions, decisions...

Look up some sample pictures that are uploaded here on the forums or try out the camera yourself. Most likely will be a bit of a downgrade overall but it isn't a terrible camera by any means.
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