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Root Do I need to be rooted to get accurate battery reading?


Android Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2010
So I got this awesome Gorilla 3500 mah battery, it's really great and lasts forever however the batter meter is not reading it accurately. I installed battery left and drained the battery 4 times and the widget says it's all calibrated but it's not accurate. It can say it has 1% battery life left and I can still go 6 more hours. I am not rooted but if I want this thing to read accurate, can that be done by being rooted?
This has been an issue with Motorola phones since the Droid 1, probably before that.

It just doesnt read the big batteries right. Some one figured out how much voltage was left right before the phone shut off. I think it was around 3700. If you have a widget that can show the voltage it would help.

I use Battery Left and set it to show voltage for my Droid 1 with a 2800 battery. I was hoping it was fixed with the X...I guess not.

Or it could be like the above post said.
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