Spotted recently on a hotel lobby public computer in Hong Kong.
A timely reminder of why I don't do online banking, or anything which involves private information on public PCs, and why I use Linux and a Mac.
BTW the penguin icon by the clock is Tencent QQ, this is known to be spyware.
"Even so, screening the electronic activities of hundreds of millions of people is a nearly impossible task. Moreover, users increasingly are resorting to technological maneuvers like virtual private networks and proxy servers to sidestep the censors’ blocking of banned Web sites altogether. By some reports, a million people now hurdle the Great Firewall via such dodges — a number that remains a tiny fraction of all users, but that has spiked upward in the last year.
So the censors have taken other tacks to tighten their grip.
One is automation. China’s leading instant-messaging service, called QQ, automatically installs a program on users’ computers that monitors their communications and blocks censored text."