I had a cool theme which when you made a call the outline of the contacts picture was red when the contact answered the phone it went green then the out line went red when caller hung up.
I thought it was H & E Blue theme(Blue-c) but I've flash it and all the other exsisting themes in my cyanogen updater and cannot find it.
Could it be settings then I am missing?
Also on the lockscreen it has info about who to call in an emergency or if the phone is lost, yet i cannot find when the settings are for this and for some reason it is set to my own number even though I have not entered it...????
Thanks Peeps
I thought it was H & E Blue theme(Blue-c) but I've flash it and all the other exsisting themes in my cyanogen updater and cannot find it.
Could it be settings then I am missing?
Also on the lockscreen it has info about who to call in an emergency or if the phone is lost, yet i cannot find when the settings are for this and for some reason it is set to my own number even though I have not entered it...????
Thanks Peeps