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Does Google Now support other languages?


Jun 26, 2012
I recently upgraded my Galaxy Nexus to Jelly Bean 4.1.1
I put it to test right away by asking questions in my native language, french. Then, I saw a couple of issues:

1) Android support french, but France's french. The french canadian accent is pourly understood. In order to be better undestood, we have to take a France accent, which is far from being natural. In Android language setting, most of the language (like spanish, english and even arabic) have their regional accent supported, why not french?

2) when doing queries in Voice search in french, it only gives web browser results. There is no "card" results, like in english, and the phone won't "talk" it's answers, even if the "always talk" option is checked.

So, does anyone knows if additional language will be support in google now and if regional accents of the french language will also be added??



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