Flying Nosehair
I'm making a game called Pakku Pakku Man, which is a Pac-Man clone. For the characters, I'm using a class called AnimatedSprite, and the language is Java. The class file imports
What I want to do is make Pakku Pakku Man go through a tunnel on one end of the maze and emerge out the other. Currently, when he tries to go through a tunnel, the program crashes- apparently due to the program trying to draw pixels off screen. I figure what I need to do is have the program not draw any part of Pakku Pakku Man that's off screen. Thus, as he goes through the tunnel, less and less of him is drawn until no part of him is drawn at all until he emerges through the other tunnel of course.
What I want to do is make Pakku Pakku Man go through a tunnel on one end of the maze and emerge out the other. Currently, when he tries to go through a tunnel, the program crashes- apparently due to the program trying to draw pixels off screen. I figure what I need to do is have the program not draw any part of Pakku Pakku Man that's off screen. Thus, as he goes through the tunnel, less and less of him is drawn until no part of him is drawn at all until he emerges through the other tunnel of course.