Hi all
Been thinking, the suggestion of something like Ubuntu on a Pc so it can work with the Android device, why not the other way round. Rather than make the Pc speak Android could I get the Android to speak Windows? Initial look there are programs that claim to load Windows onto Android devices but not supported, anyone know if this is feasable because I cannot see how Windows would use Android hardware drivers if they cannot even communicate on the same level.
Your instinct is correct: you can't run Windows on your phone. Windows is built for x86 processor architectures, which no Android phone uses. It also doesn't include any of the telecommunications stuff that you'd need for your phone to remain a phone. Plus the desktop Windows interface would play very badly on a phone screen

There used to be something called "Windows Phone", which was an entirely different OS from Windows, and I've no doubt that someone, somewhere ported a version of that onto some device. But smartphone software has to be built for the particular hardware, so unless there is a port for your particular model that doesn't get you anywhere. Anyway that's a dead platform (as in "discontinued several years ago"), so you wouldn't want it on your device even if it were available.
In principle some phones are powerful enough to run Windows in a virtual machine, so it's also possible that that is what you've seen. From a quick check of your phone's specs I don't think I'd consider that even if you could find an android-based VM software package. And of course a VM doesn't necessarily have access to all of the resources of the device you are running it on, so it may not help anyway.
The irony in all of this is that Android actually uses
Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocol for USB connections to a PC, so the problems you are facing in connecting Windows to Android are probably a consequence of MTP's limitations. The first Android devices just mounted their storage as USB Mass Storage, which would have worked fine for your purposes, but the switch to MTP was made in Android 4.
So what files in particular are you trying to access? Copying files from the user-accessible part of the internal storage shouldn't be a problem, but talk of relating a file extension to a program makes me wonder whether you are trying to do something else.