I recently purchased Droid Incredible from Verizon and took a trip to oversea. When I received first bill from Verizon since I purchased the phone, I had a shock of my life. Verizon charged me over $1800.00 for data usage (international roamming) while I was at oversea. I am not sure how that can happen. I had my phone turned on to access addresses and phone numbers, notes, schedule that were stored in the phone but I was very careful not to open any web to prevent data download. My question is does anyone knows whether droid phones have capablity to down load datas on background even if I am not using any web? If my calculation is correct, $1800.00 is about 90 mega bites of data usage. I would like to know what are the possibilities. The Verizon keep telling me the data usage is legitimate and I am responsible for the charges. I sure don't want to pay for somthing I did not benefitted from. Please help.