At the present time I have both devices. Right to the point,IMO The One is a louder, slightly sharper and faster, generic DNA. Sense 5 is dull and boring. I prefer the 4+, to me it is more enriched. Battery life is better with the DNA especially the standby. The One has a battery saver function and still can't out last the DNA. As far as speed slightly faster is the One to damn near the same. Let me explain the generic statement...In the drag down notification there are only symbols like clear, doesn't say clear just the circle with the x in the middle. Maybe not enough screen real estate to label the symbols? The video player sucks...You can't change the brightness or switch beats on/off from within. Kudos to the One as app associations has been done away with. Now you can select on the fly which player or browser or whatever, without being confined to having one you must select to be permanent. All in all, give the DNA those great sounding front speakers and you'll have The Ultimate One. I will be returning the One for now and continue to Rock my DNA but on T-mobile's network. We all know Verizon is ridiculously high. BTW the One I have is Sprint and Sprint SUCKS...Yes I was desperate to see if the One was just that and now I know it's not. Oh yeah back to Beats, loud speaker is loud very, but when you enable Beats, the volume becomes lower, just more bass and still full. Now here's the kicker...The One comes with earphones, they are not beats branded, I'm just assuming they are Beats. The audio through those earphones and my Beats by Dre Pros differ for example the supplied ear buds for the One are very powerful but when plugged in DNA not as powerful. On the other hand my Beats Pros Kick ass in the DNA the One not so good. Go figure huh? One more interesting thing is when you go battery on the DNA you can close apps by just pressing the x on the side, no such luck with the One. Point blank I'm disappointed with the One as it only screams louder than the DNA musically. My last disappointment was the THunderbolt don't think I'm going that route again. Like I said I can plug in some speakers and have The Ultimate One. On another note, I also noticed the One hooked to my car audio was nowhere as powerful as the DNA..Taking the One back tomorrow, If anyone else has had the opportunity to experience the One, please state your opinion. Don't get me wrong build wise it is the One. Play around with it too long it becomes the Hot One..but that's HTC right...DNA all the way for now...Hello T-mobile later Verizon...DNA fam if T-mobile sucks, please let it be known, B4 I make the switch...Thanx in advance...Now speak on it