Honestly doubt it. Its 50 dollars on contract with new activation or upgrade. Off contract try craigslist or eBay, which is what I did, and get it for like 200-300. Don't pay more than that. I paid 200 and got all the accessories plus a car charger and dock for an extra 20.
The Droid is an excellent phone, I don't have problems with the keyboard, i really like it actually. It is zippy and fast when rooted. But the Incredible should be the better phone. By that meaning faster and updated.
Its really up to you in the sense that do you want a keyboard? more mem?etc.
50 dollars=really good deal for the phone.
Amazon, wirefly, cellulardeals, all those have it for 50 dollars on contract. Not a better deal out there. Unless you go and do what I did, and off contract, so you can use it and not be tied down, so when something better comes out, you can make the switch.