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Droid Razr/Stock Keyboard More Accurate Than Swiftkey 3


Android Enthusiast
Soon after I bought my first smartphone (Droid Razr) I installed the Swiftkey app. I'm new to texting so a lot of mistakes were common :) After a couple of months I'm thinking it might not be so much me as the keyboard. So, I went back to the ICS stock keyboard and I'll be darned if I'm not typing more accurately! What's up with that? I thought Swiftkey was soooo much better? What are your thoughts? Is the stock keyboard better (more accurate) than Swiftkey 3?
Depends on the phone, I have never owned a Motorola smartphone but I have had Samsung and HTC's. The Samsung stock keyboard is horrid, I would make so many mistakes and using it just felt awkward, then I switched to Perfect Keyboard and it made a huge different, I felt like I got a new phone... but on every HTC phone I have had I tried different keyboards and keep going back to the stock HTC Sense keyboard with Trace Typing, I just like the layout and the built in Swype-style trace typing.

Moral of the story, try a bunch of different keyboards... Swiftkey, Swype, Smart Keyboard, Perfect Keyboard, GO Keyboard, or whatever, just don't forget the stock one and use the one that seems to work best for you. Picking the "best" one is difficult since it is truly different for everybody.
I find that Swiftkey has the best predictions, but also that I type slightly less accurately using it than some other keyboards. I think it's mainly that I can't fine-tune the key height (which I can with Smart Keyboard), and the presets don't quite suit my hands even after months of use. I just need a very small adjustment, but that's not an option. Having said that, I still use it as my main keyboard.

As acejavlin says, there isn't a best solution for everyone, just the one that works best for you.
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