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Help Dropbox free space

What if I alreadyh ave a Dropbox account which has 14.8 GB of Free space (due to referring many people), when I sign in with my current dropbox account, will I get the extra free space offered by Samsung or not?

Yea it is on top of that. I'm salty cause I'm up to 28gigs from all the referrals and promotions. This would have took me up to 70(ish)... damn vzw :mad:
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What if I alreadyh ave a Dropbox account which has 14.8 GB of Free space (due to referring many people), when I sign in with my current dropbox account, will I get the extra free space offered by Samsung or not?

When I signed in they added roughly the difference between my previous storage allowance and 50GB. I was on 3GB and they added something like 48GB. I don't think they will add 50GB; more likely they'll add 35GB to bring you up to 50GB.

But that's only my guess. Let us know.
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I think that they top it up to 50GB so that when the two years are up and you don't want to pay for continued use, they will remove what they added, returning you to your previous storage allowance.

I think if you close your present account an open a new one, just to gain 50GB, you will lose your present 15GB after 2 years.

They definitely added onto my 3GB but they didn't replace it they told me they added 48GB.
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No. I have already had a Dropbox account. When I logged on to it from my GS3, it shows I have only 2GB of storage. Are you sure it is not just for new users?

It's not just for new users. I already had a Dropbox account and when I logged into it from my GS3, I got upgraded to 50GB.

It didn't happen immediately, though. I seem to remember receiving an email after a couple of hours, and I had to go through some rigmarole of completing 5 out of 7 tasks.
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I hope someone can confirm this because if I wont get the free space if I use my current account, then I would rather close this account and reopen it again...

I hope there is some kind of definite answer on this

I had roughly 28GB on my account before I got my GSIII, when I signed in with Dropbox it took me up to 78GB, so yes it does give you it all.
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This extra free space sounds nice in theory but after 2 years you face the frustration of loosing the convenience or paying for it...
2 years from now ill worry about that, ill probably get a new phone by then :D

but I hear you it is a frustration after you have uploaded so many fines and are obliged to pay or lose them
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