Yes its phones are good for some people. That is why I thought she had made a good decision. The complete reliance on Itunes is an issue for me to begin with. She will not be using any music service at all, so their all in one answer (pictures, contacts, icloud) voids any freedom of choice for what is best for each individual user. Forcing the itunes is good for some but not all. It is similar to having a google account that is necessary for the android play store but the Itunes in incredibly intrusive and controlling. yes some people will like that. Currently, My wife has not subscribed yet because she is a bit leary for whatever reason. The issues she has are currently dealing with the differences from her old dumb phone. She has a sound clips that she likes to use as text notifications for our children (their voices from younger days). I sent those clips to her via text message and she cannot save those to her phone for their notification. It was simple on her old LG octane. She also wants the calendar reminder to beep more than one time on notification because she has not heard it the first and only beep. Those are two basic tasks that are currently causing her grief and making her second guess her choice. I do indeed want it to work for her, and I continually offer my assistance and help as needed. She will learn to like the convenience of power in her pocket but if the frustration overrides the reward, she will just have and expensive texting machine. She will get used to it and will come to enjoy it. If BSP has the solutions to those basic requests, let me have them and I will pass them on to her; she will be forever grateful.
This should fix some of the issues:
1) The Calendar Alert Issue: iOS can repeat alerts up to once a day (unfortunately Apple has yet to fix this issue). My solution would be Notification Center: Just slide it down and you can see all Calendar events. Obviously, this is not an ideal solution, and is definitely an area where Apple falls behind on. However, there is a huge amount of Calendar applications in the App Store-- check out some of those (I'm certain that many feature repeating reminders).
2) iTunes: You're not forced to purchase any music on iTunes. What is the specific problem with Contacts, Photos, and iCloud? There are application substitutions for these apps (i.e. Instagram, and a plethora of other apps for the other problems).
3) Notification Sound Clips: This'll actually be easier to accomplish with your Razr/ Rezound:
1) Text the sound clips to your android phone
2) Download them
3) Transfer them to your computer
4) Look up a tutorial on how to make an iTunes ring tone on YouTube (can't remember the exact method off the top of my head)
5) They should then be transferred to your iPhone after learning how to make one
6) Go to Settings --> Sound --> Text Tone --> Sound Clip Ringtone Name
7) There are a ton of apps for doing this on the App Store as well (making ringtones, that is)
-It's definitely doable-- I've done this when I had an iPhone instead of a GNex
The one thing you can always count on when having troubles with an iPhone is that there is an app in many situations to fix your problem.
Hope this helps!