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Ebay app not displaying items

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Android Question

I have a Samsung Galaxy 10.1 and loaded (and reloaded several times) the EBay App but can only get a list of searched items, when you try to look at an individual item you get 'We're sorry, the item can't be displayed and a blue "Retry" box . If I retry it wait ages wathching a gray circle turning and then displays "sorry network lost". I have searched for answers and cannot find any solution, really dissapointed. I dont know if it is the fault of Ebay app or android fault seems lots of others have this problem too.
Assuming you're talking about the real eBay app, the one written by ebay Mobile, I just downloaded the current version and ran it on a few categories. It looks a little different than when I look at eBay in Firefox on my laptop, but not too much different. I click on an item in the list and get that single listing with all the information, kind of squashed down to display on a phone.

So it's your tab, the Samsung 10.1 in general or your provider, not the app. (Unless you're running an old app that doesn't work with current Android versions.)
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