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Echo during phone calls


Android Expert
I'm on Verizon and lately (the past few weeks) I've been getting an echo when I speak using the phone. It doesn't matter if I use the speakerphone or not, it still echoes. It happens about 65% of the time. Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.
Who told you I was planing on overthrowing the government if Trump got elected. I will corner the market on hairspray so he can't appear in public. Lol
Thanks anyway.
Hehe. Everyone knows Trump dominates the hairspray market. Once he becomes president he will just bomb the remaining competition to make 100% sure he will never lose face.
I had read some other forums about echoes. Besides wiretapping, one common cause was the case. I use a Spigen [Neo Hybrid Crystal]. I adjusted the hard, silver band and that seemed to help. I can't swear that was the cause, but I'm glad it's gone.
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