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Help Edited photos storage

Took delivery of my Xperia Z a few days ago, and so far very impressed with it. Nice phone!

I wondered if anyone knew how to make it so that "edited" photos were saved on the SD Card preferably in the same folder as the other photos once they had been edited?

The reason is that I like to edit the photos before I put them on Facebook (usually just crop them down), and when I do this the device saves them in another folder called "Edited" on internal storage which the Facebook app doesn't recognise as a folder to upload from so I'm unable to upload it.

Also, I'm unable to use the "share" button in the album and do it that way as I would like to upload to specific albums and groups and this is not an option using this method. It must be done direct from the Facebook app.

Thanks for reading this rather long-winded question. Any assistance would be gratefully received, thanks!


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