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electronically challenged


someone please help me with the androids someone hacked my phone i want to get rid of the hacker as soon as possible
^ +10!

Also, if you want to get rid of a 'hacker' on your physical phone, then a wipe would do that. Though I'm guessing that it isn't someone hacking the phone. If anything, someone probably just got one of your accounts. Change passwords regularly. Should be fine.

But please do describe what makes you think that you have a hacker. If you do [have a hacker], people will be better able to help you. If not, people would likely be able to resolve the issue.
im getting apps i never downloaded showing up and running and re opening when i didnt re open them here r some of them com.android.DunServer, com.android.providers.aplications com.android.providers.userdictionary and various things like package installer service programu, media storage, media container service, google services framework, google partner setup, drm protected content storage download manager and android keyboard
Well .Good news .Your phone is perfectly Normal .100 p.c .The process listed are important for system to function .

package installer service programu, media storage, media container service, google services framework, google partner setup, drm protected content storage download manager and android keyboard all are Android ESSENTIAL services

They werent downloaded by you since they are already present in the /system partition of your phone .If you close them your phone will probably bootloop or crash ;) .

Dont take too much load :D
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