Extreme Android User
All phone manufacturers add their own kernel to the Android operating system. They usually err on the side of caution with the kernel settings with a one size fits all approach. However, a custom kernel allows you to make adjustments to suit your needs, allowing you to change a whole range of features on your phone, from making it faster or slower, more battery friendly, display adjustments, etc: For more information, see, Why You Should Consider Using A Custom Android Kernel
One such kernel, for the OnePlus 3, (A3000 & A3003), is ElementalX by the developer flar2. It will run on both the stock Oxygen firmware or the Community Beta Build, as well as on the CyanogenMod ROM, on both rooted and unrooted phones. If you are using a custom recovery such as TWRP, I would suggest making a nandroid backup prior to flashing ElementalX.
When flashing the custom kernel you are asked to make some decisions as to overclocking or underclocking, I chose overclock on both, as well as the scheduler you want to use. I chose CFQ. For more information about schedulers and their properties, see, Kernel Governors and I/O SCHEDULERS. I also selected to move the Wi-Fi module to the system partition although this required a second flash of the kernel to get it functioning. You can change any of the features of the kernel by re-flashing it or by downloading the EX Kernel Manager app from the Play Store, (£2.89p), rooted users only. This offers much greater control of the ElementalX kernel.
For full details of the ElementalX custom kernel, downloads and instructions, see...
ElementalX-OP3 0.27 (OOS) 0.36 (cm)
This is for competent and experienced users. Please read all installation instructions, carefully and thoroughly as well as the forum thread, before proceeding.
ironass motto... "Flash in haste... repent at leisure!"
One such kernel, for the OnePlus 3, (A3000 & A3003), is ElementalX by the developer flar2. It will run on both the stock Oxygen firmware or the Community Beta Build, as well as on the CyanogenMod ROM, on both rooted and unrooted phones. If you are using a custom recovery such as TWRP, I would suggest making a nandroid backup prior to flashing ElementalX.
- Easy installation and setup with Aroma installer
- Wake Gestures support (sweep2wake & doubletap2wake)
- Notification LED control
- Sound control
- Advanced color control
- Sweep2sleep
- Backlight dimmer
- Overclock or underclock CPU
- Adjust or disable vibration
- FIOPS, BFQ, CFQ, deadline, noop and SIO i/o schedulers
- NTFS r/w support
- Option to disable fsync
- performance and power optimizations
- USB OTG support
- Dash charge
- Supports MultiROM
- Does not force encryption
- Compatible with systemless root
When flashing the custom kernel you are asked to make some decisions as to overclocking or underclocking, I chose overclock on both, as well as the scheduler you want to use. I chose CFQ. For more information about schedulers and their properties, see, Kernel Governors and I/O SCHEDULERS. I also selected to move the Wi-Fi module to the system partition although this required a second flash of the kernel to get it functioning. You can change any of the features of the kernel by re-flashing it or by downloading the EX Kernel Manager app from the Play Store, (£2.89p), rooted users only. This offers much greater control of the ElementalX kernel.
For full details of the ElementalX custom kernel, downloads and instructions, see...
ElementalX-OP3 0.27 (OOS) 0.36 (cm)
This is for competent and experienced users. Please read all installation instructions, carefully and thoroughly as well as the forum thread, before proceeding.
ironass motto... "Flash in haste... repent at leisure!"

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