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Apps Extract property files from pre-built jar file


There are several preoperty files, such as localstrings.properties, in a pre-built jar which is from a 3rd party. When my application is built be Eclipse, these files will be extracted and added to the generated apk file. However, when the application is built by Andriod make in a Linux system, they are not, though the linked classes are added to classes.dex. This causes the application not be able to run. Does anyone know how to resolve it?

Here is the Andriod.mk

LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng development
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_PREBUILT_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := libabc:lib/Third_party_2.5.jar
# Use the folloing include to make our test apk.
include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))
Found some similar post by google but no answer

Subject: 3rdPartyJar Files and property files Actions...
From: sasperilla (char...@gmail.com)
Date: Dec 29, 2007 8:29:37 am
List: com.googlegroups.android-developers
I'm trying to add some 3rdparty apps to my android program, and the
jar files are added. However, inside this 3rdpartyjar file there is
a properties file seems to be missing when I run my app in the
emulator, and the 3rdparty code dies. I can run my program in a
Junit test as a normal java application and it works. How do I fix
this in the emulator?

Thanks in advance.
Another similar post.

Subject: Accessing resources in 3rdpartyjar file Actions...
From: tauren (yowz...@gmail.com)
Date: Mar 29, 2008 12:50:24 pm
List: com.googlegroups.android-developers
It appears that it is not possible to access resources stored on the
classpath within a 3rdpartyjar file from Android. Many 3rdpartyjars store data and configuration files within the jar itself. I'm
surprised this doesn't work as it will prevent many 3rdparty
libraries from working without major overhauls. For instance, code
like the following doesn't work:
URL data = this.getClass().getResource(name);
I've read from other posts that the following doesn't work too:
I understand that jars get converted into dex files? When this
happens, are only class files retained? What happens to the
resources? Is there a way to access those resources?
Luckily, I have source for the jar file I need to use. Unfortunately,
it uses data resources all over the place, and probably 50% of the
classes will need to be modified. I'd much rather figure out a way to
access those resources without modifying all the code.
If this can't be solved, then any 3rdpartyjars that don't provide
source code could not be used in Android until the developer provides
an Android version of the jar. Is this just the way things work with
Android, or is there a workaround others have found?
This post says it is impossible.

Subject: [android-developers] Re: Embeded APK? Actions...
From: Mark Murphy (mmur...@commonsware.com)
Date: Dec 22, 2008 6:05:58 am
List: com.googlegroups.android-developers

Louis wrote:
Our product need provide some SDK to 3rdparty, and we want to provide
some services or activity in Android platform, spec for services. But
seems we can't provide it through the Jar files (Please let me know if
I am wrong :) ),

Sure you can!
Take your compiled Java classes and package them into a JAR, along with
instructions for what entries in AndroidManifest.xml your customers will
need to add to use your services and activities.

The only thing that does not work well this way is resources -- your JAR
cannot package resources
, nor can you reliably ensure that resources
will get the same resource IDs between your code and the actual Android
application. You can accept resource IDs as parameters, but you cannot
"bake in" your own resources. Or, rather, I have not figured out a trick
for doing this as yet.

I have a chapter in the upcoming _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced*
Android Development_ that covers this. Fortunately, that is one of the
chapters already (partially) available, so current subscribers to the
Warescription can get access to this already.

And in these cases, is there any way to make our APK
as Embeded APK which 3rdparty can install it with their APK without
user more actions?

I do not believe this is possible.
Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
CommonsWare: Helping the Commons, One Bit at a Time
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 1.9 Available!
I have the same problem, I need to build a jar to give out as an sdk that contains resources..

My first thought was how did android build their jar to contain resources that they reference?
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