So I found a 1750 mAh battery, up from the stock 1500 mAh battery for the Fascinate and other models similar as listed.
It's 15 bucks +free shipping.
Battery for Samsung Epic 4G, Vibrant T959, Captivate I897, Fascinate SCH-1500, SGH-T959D, Galaxy S Femme, B7350, T959W, M110S, D700, I9088, i916, i917, Focus, Cetus, Galaxy S 4G, Omnia GT-735
First off, I've never seen a 1750 mAh battery for the Fascinate, usually it's 1600 mAh. (or the 2200 one with the extended door which I don't want cuz I'd have to give up the otterbox.)
Should I buy it? I have a PayPal account to use. Never heard of this company before. Found it in an older thread on this forum.
I know it's not much of a difference, but to squeeze out a lil bit more power for just 15 bucks is a pretty damn good deal to me IMHO. Gonna make my decision tomorrow after school depending on the feedback I get. Gonna do research on the company too.
Sorry for the weird order of paragraphs/sentences/words, I'm half asleep right now wanting to get into bed.
It's 15 bucks +free shipping.
Battery for Samsung Epic 4G, Vibrant T959, Captivate I897, Fascinate SCH-1500, SGH-T959D, Galaxy S Femme, B7350, T959W, M110S, D700, I9088, i916, i917, Focus, Cetus, Galaxy S 4G, Omnia GT-735
First off, I've never seen a 1750 mAh battery for the Fascinate, usually it's 1600 mAh. (or the 2200 one with the extended door which I don't want cuz I'd have to give up the otterbox.)
Should I buy it? I have a PayPal account to use. Never heard of this company before. Found it in an older thread on this forum.
I know it's not much of a difference, but to squeeze out a lil bit more power for just 15 bucks is a pretty damn good deal to me IMHO. Gonna make my decision tomorrow after school depending on the feedback I get. Gonna do research on the company too.
Sorry for the weird order of paragraphs/sentences/words, I'm half asleep right now wanting to get into bed.