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Favorite android setup?


Android Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2010
Northeast u.s.
Now, im just going from screenshots of the nexus s, but im very disappointed by the UI of gingerbread.

I like the black notification bar. I dont like the battery icon. Its too green, it looks kinda cheap.

The dock bar.. Well I like froyo's dock a lot better. It seems like they tried to make it too simple. Its lacking elegance, and kinda overall looks half-assed. This is all just my opinion of course.

However, I gotta say using HTC's Sense UI with launcher pro looks stunning. Very well put together. I also like swype and some of the apps and widgets.

Whats your favorite android os/ui/launcher?
Btw, there's a reason why it's green. The Super AMOLED is organic based, so it burns up faster than previous LCD display technology. Blue is the most energetic colour, so it will burn up the screen faster and leave a mark behind. Green on the other hand is softer, so it's less likely to leave a burn mark.

Not sure why they didn't use red, but I suspect it will look too scary.
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Well red is usually reserved for low battery, so it sticks out. Our brains respond more to red than any other color.

Im not a fan of amoled/samoled. It just looks cartoony. Sure the blacks and contrast is great, but I have no idea why people dont like lcd/tft anymore. I think the screen on my MT4G is beautiful, nicely balanced. But now im rambling haha
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