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FCM and privacy

Hello. I am a developer working on some projects for iOS and Android mobile phone platforms. I have a question about Firebase Cloud Messaging and privacy. When allowing an Android device to be a client for push notifications, I use FCM. Recently that has created a privacy concern with Google such that I need to generate privacy documents on a web site (which I do not control) and generate similar documentation on the app (or at least a link to said document). If I disable FCM from collecting the device Advertising ID, should this relieve me from needing to generate the privacy documentation?
Correct me if I'm wrong on understanding your post, but the Advertising ID is merely one of possibly the few dozen things you can turn off for privacy. An Advertising ID is simply the identification code on your device advertisers receive and tailor ads based on the ID. Turning it off will not turn advertisements off, but they will be less relevant to you.

So no. While turning it off can help a tad with identifying you, but it's only a small checkbox that does very little.
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