Hi, just joined to ask this.
I'm having various problems, so I'm looking at my phone in File Explorer. I've learnt (about five minutes ago) that the Emulated/0 folder is only virtual (clue's in the name, eh). Horrible feeling that perhaps I've deleted a lot of photos without meaning to, but haven't given up hope yet... not quite...
1. Is there ANY way of viewing files if the filename begins with "." ?
2. How to find out where a file really is, if it shows as being in emulated/0?
3. Is it possible for a file to be in emulated/0 when it really doesn't exist at all (any longer)?
For example, I can (on the phone) see a picture named foxy.jpg. When I look at its properties, it is in fact .foxy.jpg.
The files in question aren't hidden, but I have hidden files visible both on my file manager app and in Windows. I've tried searching with a wonderful Windows app called Search Everything, but it can't see anything at all on the phone - and it shows the drive as a long string that means nothing to me. (I right-clicked on Internal Storage to open Everything, and it shows the drive as "::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\\\?\usb#vid_22b8&pid_2e82#ta93008bxj#{6ac27878-a6fa-4155-ba85-f98f491d4f33}\" - I expected something like "D:\"! And if I browse to select the drive, it doesn't list the phone at all.
Does Windows see the whole phone as virtual?
... Back story: I need to free up space on the phone, and have got rid of all apps I can spare, all duplicates, thumbnails, cache, cleared junk, etc etc, everything possible I believe. But it's still over-full as if I hardly deleted anything. So I decided to copy photos and videos to the laptop and then delete them from the phone - did this with all that I could find in File Explorer, but there they still were on the phone at which point I began to feel something supernatural was going on.
And the phone's so stuffed full that no apps can update. I know I'm space-greedy, but it has never been this bad before.
I'm having various problems, so I'm looking at my phone in File Explorer. I've learnt (about five minutes ago) that the Emulated/0 folder is only virtual (clue's in the name, eh). Horrible feeling that perhaps I've deleted a lot of photos without meaning to, but haven't given up hope yet... not quite...
1. Is there ANY way of viewing files if the filename begins with "." ?
2. How to find out where a file really is, if it shows as being in emulated/0?
3. Is it possible for a file to be in emulated/0 when it really doesn't exist at all (any longer)?
For example, I can (on the phone) see a picture named foxy.jpg. When I look at its properties, it is in fact .foxy.jpg.
The files in question aren't hidden, but I have hidden files visible both on my file manager app and in Windows. I've tried searching with a wonderful Windows app called Search Everything, but it can't see anything at all on the phone - and it shows the drive as a long string that means nothing to me. (I right-clicked on Internal Storage to open Everything, and it shows the drive as "::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\\\?\usb#vid_22b8&pid_2e82#ta93008bxj#{6ac27878-a6fa-4155-ba85-f98f491d4f33}\" - I expected something like "D:\"! And if I browse to select the drive, it doesn't list the phone at all.
Does Windows see the whole phone as virtual?

... Back story: I need to free up space on the phone, and have got rid of all apps I can spare, all duplicates, thumbnails, cache, cleared junk, etc etc, everything possible I believe. But it's still over-full as if I hardly deleted anything. So I decided to copy photos and videos to the laptop and then delete them from the phone - did this with all that I could find in File Explorer, but there they still were on the phone at which point I began to feel something supernatural was going on.