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Finding Device Compatibility


Dec 21, 2012
Hi guys.
I am planning to buy a new Android phone. However before investing my money, I want to know if the apps I want are compatible with the phone I will buy. Last time I bought an android, many of the apps were incompatible. So don't want to make the same mistake this time around. Is there any way of finding app compatibility without needing to log into Play Store using that phone?
Thanks in advance.
Actually I have seen that the requirement Android 2.2 up does not matter much. My earlier device had Android 2.3.6 but it still could not run many apps that said 2.2 up in the requirement. So you guys are saying that Ice-cream Sandwich upwards, I won't have any compatibility issues?

Pretty much no. Since it has been out for some time all applications have pretty much been updated to suit ICS.
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You also have to consider hardware. For example, Instagram works on phones that have Android 2.2 and up, but then it also requires that the phone have a graphics chip that is capable of OpenGL 2.0 support. This excludes a unit like the Galaxy Pocket for example, which despite having Android 2.3.6, does not have the hardware requirement Instagram has.

If you don't want to have any app incompatibility, you have to push for the higher end units. One barometer you can measure up against is the specs for the original Galaxy S: a 1Ghz A8 processor, an OpenGL 2.0 capable graphics unit, and 512MB RAM. That's probably the lowest you can go with minimal app incompatibility. Most of what you'll find incompatible to those specs are the newer games, but for non game apps, they all run as far as I can find. So you need to find something that has better specs than that and you'll be fine.
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If you want the absolute best chance at compatibility I'd recommend grabbing a Nexus device from Google (Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4), they don't won't have Samsung/HTC customizations that might break apps, just nice clean stock Android. Generally these days most apps should work on any given ICS+ device.
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