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Root Flashing recovery locks my bootloader. Help!!!!


Aug 24, 2015
Ok let me start from the beginning. My nexus 5 i had since release is now in a boot loop. Its stuck at the flying colour dots. So i flashed the stock recovery. I installed all the drivers and used the adb and fastboot tools. I unlocked my bootloader in the cmd right before flashing but something went wrong. There were multiple errors when flashing the image.
Error 1: When flashing the bootloader it says "FAILED <remote: flash write failure>
Error 2: When rebooting the bootloader it LOCKS the bootloader and says "not supported in a locked device"
Error 3: when flashing the boot.img, system.img, recovery.img, Etc... It says " archive does not contain Boot.sig, recovery.sig , vendor.sig and system.sig"
(And yes it did say .sig that was NOT a typo)

Why would it lock my bootloader and later say it does not support a locked bootloader.


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