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..For Sale
..Droid Incredible 2
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..Good: Device in good shape and all original included items
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I've had this phone since July of '11 been well taken care of, just opted to get the ReZound while it's on sale. Dinc 2 is a great phone, solidly built and easy to use. Would also make for a great media player or backup phone. Price is negotiable
It's a terrible pic taken with my sons Samsung Continnuum.... but it's a start.
PM if you would like more pics
..For Sale
..Droid Incredible 2
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Good: Device in good shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
Additional Information/Comments
I've had this phone since July of '11 been well taken care of, just opted to get the ReZound while it's on sale. Dinc 2 is a great phone, solidly built and easy to use. Would also make for a great media player or backup phone. Price is negotiable
It's a terrible pic taken with my sons Samsung Continnuum.... but it's a start.
PM if you would like more pics