Android Enthusiast
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..For Sale
..HTC Thunderbolt (plus some accessories)
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..Good: Device in good shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Car Charger, USB Power Adapter and Cable, Rezound Battery, Shell Case, Screen Protector (already installed), original case, 32gb MicroSD and Rooted.
Additional Information/Comments
I rated this good only because it has some small scuffing on the Top and maybe a defect from the factory on the bottom. I'm not sure how the mark on the bottom got there. Unfortunately a couple scuffs at the top by the mic jack from one of the only falls its ever seen. Phone is in excellent working condition. Does have root and currently running CM Liquid Smooth 3.2.
I have a perfect rating on ebay:
eBay My World - todayisforgotten
Buy with confidence.
..For Sale
..HTC Thunderbolt (plus some accessories)
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Good: Device in good shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Car Charger, USB Power Adapter and Cable, Rezound Battery, Shell Case, Screen Protector (already installed), original case, 32gb MicroSD and Rooted.
Additional Information/Comments
I rated this good only because it has some small scuffing on the Top and maybe a defect from the factory on the bottom. I'm not sure how the mark on the bottom got there. Unfortunately a couple scuffs at the top by the mic jack from one of the only falls its ever seen. Phone is in excellent working condition. Does have root and currently running CM Liquid Smooth 3.2.
I have a perfect rating on ebay:
Buy with confidence.