Android Expert
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..For Sale
..Samsung GSM Galaxy Nexus i9250
..$325.00 FIRM
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Mint: Perfect device and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Also includes a brand new Diztronic TPU case and 3 brand new crystal clear screen protectors.
Additional Information/Comments
I bought this for my wife (or me) to replace her Droid X. I am using a new HTC One X.
I assumed she would want one or the other but she likes her Droid X so I need to sell one of the phones.
I bought the One X at retail and have quite a bit more invested in it than the Nexus.
Any questions please feel free to ask.
..For Sale
..Samsung GSM Galaxy Nexus i9250
..$325.00 FIRM
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Mint: Perfect device and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Also includes a brand new Diztronic TPU case and 3 brand new crystal clear screen protectors.
Additional Information/Comments
I bought this for my wife (or me) to replace her Droid X. I am using a new HTC One X.
I assumed she would want one or the other but she likes her Droid X so I need to sell one of the phones.
I bought the One X at retail and have quite a bit more invested in it than the Nexus.
Any questions please feel free to ask.