Android Expert
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..For Sale
..FS OR FT Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 White Wifi 16gb + Casee
..$400 shipped
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Mint: Perfect device and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Belkin folio case made specifically for the note 10.1 and has cutout for S-Pen. Also included are two extra screen protectors.
Additional Information/Comments
Will also consider trade for a Galaxy Tab 2 7", Tab 7.7, Motorola Xyboard 8.9 plus cash on your end.
Tablet is mint, no scratches or nicks.
Payment by paypal. Will not ship outside of the US. I have feedback for multiple successful transactions here, Android Central and XDA. I have been a member of ebay since 1998 and have 100% feedback under radyoactve.
..For Sale
..FS OR FT Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 White Wifi 16gb + Casee
..$400 shipped
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Mint: Perfect device and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Belkin folio case made specifically for the note 10.1 and has cutout for S-Pen. Also included are two extra screen protectors.
Additional Information/Comments
Will also consider trade for a Galaxy Tab 2 7", Tab 7.7, Motorola Xyboard 8.9 plus cash on your end.
Tablet is mint, no scratches or nicks.
Payment by paypal. Will not ship outside of the US. I have feedback for multiple successful transactions here, Android Central and XDA. I have been a member of ebay since 1998 and have 100% feedback under radyoactve.