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Buy | Sell | Trade
..For Sale
..Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7(LTE)
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Check, Cash
..Great: Device in great shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Silicone case, 3 Screen Protectors(One is on it)
Additional Information/Comments
Great tablet, hate to have to sell it but i need to save money for a car. But it really is great. It isn't on a contract so no worries there. I have the Verizon 4G sim card so you can call verizon and have them activate the 4G on a monthly basis. Call or text 413 530 9807 if interesed. Thanks!
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Buy | Sell | Trade
..For Sale
..Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7(LTE)
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Check, Cash
..Great: Device in great shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Silicone case, 3 Screen Protectors(One is on it)
Additional Information/Comments
Great tablet, hate to have to sell it but i need to save money for a car. But it really is great. It isn't on a contract so no worries there. I have the Verizon 4G sim card so you can call verizon and have them activate the 4G on a monthly basis. Call or text 413 530 9807 if interesed. Thanks!
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