zuben el genub
Extreme Android User
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..For Sale
..Coby MID7024
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..Great: Device in great shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..1 scratch on back. Screen has protector on it.
4G SD card. Protective pouch, Stylus, USB cable, USB host keyboard adapter, Earphones, Power adapter, instruction book, micro cloth for cleaning
Additional Information/Comments
Runs Froyo 2.2, but according to Android tablets, can be hacked to GB. It does not use market, but the market APKS that I used are on the external SD card. Instructions for sideloading are on the Android Tablets forum.
YMMV - I had Market. Market insisted Tablet was TMO device. Tablet is WIFI only.
..For Sale
..Coby MID7024
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Great: Device in great shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..1 scratch on back. Screen has protector on it.
4G SD card. Protective pouch, Stylus, USB cable, USB host keyboard adapter, Earphones, Power adapter, instruction book, micro cloth for cleaning
Additional Information/Comments
Runs Froyo 2.2, but according to Android tablets, can be hacked to GB. It does not use market, but the market APKS that I used are on the external SD card. Instructions for sideloading are on the Android Tablets forum.
YMMV - I had Market. Market insisted Tablet was TMO device. Tablet is WIFI only.