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Buy | Sell | Trade
..For Sale
..Muen 4000 mAH Batt for Verizon LG Spectrum
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Mint: Perfect device and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Comes in original plastic case - with original back cover - never used the cover anyways.
Additional Information/Comments
This battery costs about 100 bucks and is larger than the extended battery sold by Verizon. This is a luxury if you use phone heavily or just want a phone that can go (upto 2 days of light use).
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Buy | Sell | Trade
..For Sale
..Muen 4000 mAH Batt for Verizon LG Spectrum
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Mint: Perfect device and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Comes in original plastic case - with original back cover - never used the cover anyways.
Additional Information/Comments
This battery costs about 100 bucks and is larger than the extended battery sold by Verizon. This is a luxury if you use phone heavily or just want a phone that can go (upto 2 days of light use).
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