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..For Sale
..VZW Galaxy Nexus Batteries, Cases and accessories
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Good: Device in good shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Ok so Verizon exchanged my Nexus with an S3 but only had me send the phone so I have a ton of left overs from my Galaxy Nexus
Additional Information/Comments
From Top to bottom left to right
-Samsung OEM external Charger and standard 1750mah battery $20
-Casemate Barely there in ok condition $7
-Rugged Ebay Case $7
-Crappy Ebay Sline Case $3 or free with any purchase
-Seidio Active case w/ kickstand $15
-Standard OEM 1750 mah batteries I have two of these $12 each
-Extended battery 2150mah and cover $20
-Standard Battery Back $6
-Otterbox Commuter $20
-Pure Gear Kick stand case $10
I'll sell everything together for $70 shipped USPS
..For Sale
..VZW Galaxy Nexus Batteries, Cases and accessories
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Good: Device in good shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Ok so Verizon exchanged my Nexus with an S3 but only had me send the phone so I have a ton of left overs from my Galaxy Nexus
Additional Information/Comments
From Top to bottom left to right
-Samsung OEM external Charger and standard 1750mah battery $20
-Casemate Barely there in ok condition $7
-Rugged Ebay Case $7
-Crappy Ebay Sline Case $3 or free with any purchase
-Seidio Active case w/ kickstand $15
-Standard OEM 1750 mah batteries I have two of these $12 each
-Extended battery 2150mah and cover $20
-Standard Battery Back $6
-Otterbox Commuter $20
-Pure Gear Kick stand case $10
I'll sell everything together for $70 shipped USPS