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Buy | Sell | Trade
..For Sale
..droid razr maxx cases/screen protectors
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Great: Device in great shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
Additional Information/Comments
i am selling my droid razr maxx cases there are four of them. the colors are black, clear, blue and purple. they are gel tpu cases. i have no need for the cases anymore since i bought i otter box the cases have never been used just took them out of the box i just want these sold and gone.
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EDIT ADDING TWO MORE CASES. PINK AND BLUE gel cases purchased from verizon
Buy | Sell | Trade
..For Sale
..droid razr maxx cases/screen protectors
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Great: Device in great shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
Additional Information/Comments
i am selling my droid razr maxx cases there are four of them. the colors are black, clear, blue and purple. they are gel tpu cases. i have no need for the cases anymore since i bought i otter box the cases have never been used just took them out of the box i just want these sold and gone.
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EDIT ADDING TWO MORE CASES. PINK AND BLUE gel cases purchased from verizon