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Buy | Sell | Trade
..For Sale
..Straight Talk Huawei Ascend m865c
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Check, Cash
..Great: Device in great shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
Additional Information/Comments
.2 mos new. Selling or trade for Ntelos smartphone on Frawg network. Im selling this only because there is no root for this as of yet.But ive tweaked it with Launcher Pro and Android Booster and its pretty fast for stock 2.3.6. Works off of Sprint Towers CDMA-V-S. No box but i do have the manual booklet.
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Buy | Sell | Trade
..For Sale
..Straight Talk Huawei Ascend m865c
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Check, Cash
..Great: Device in great shape and all original included items
Extra Included Items
Additional Information/Comments
.2 mos new. Selling or trade for Ntelos smartphone on Frawg network. Im selling this only because there is no root for this as of yet.But ive tweaked it with Launcher Pro and Android Booster and its pretty fast for stock 2.3.6. Works off of Sprint Towers CDMA-V-S. No box but i do have the manual booklet.
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